The Hard Water Shop

Three Of The Most Effective Water Purification Methods

Having access to clean water is essential for maintaining optimum health. Viruses, bacteria and other harmful contaminants can lurk in even the cleanest looking water, which is why it is so important to make sure any water you consume has been properly purified.

There are a number of different water purification methods available, each designed to safely remove contaminants, leaving behind pure, clean water. The following section looks at three of the most effective water purification methods that are used today:


Distillation is an inexpensive and highly effective way to purify water. With this method, water is heated to boiling. As the water boils, vapor rises from its surface, leaving any contaminants behind. When this vapor comes in contact with a cool surface, condensation occurs. The condensed liquid can be gathered in a container for drinking or other use. Although distillation doesn't remove all contaminants, it is one of the most effective water purification methods available.

Activated Carbon Filtering

Activated carbon is a unique type of charcoal that has been specially treated to increase its surface area. The large surface area of the carbon allows it to adsorb contaminants and toxins from water as it passes through it. Most commercial water filters use activated carbon to purify water. Not only does this method remove contaminants, but it also eliminates any unusual taste or odor from the water, making it more appealing to drink.

Reverse Osmosis

Reverse osmosis is another highly effective method of removing contaminants from water. With this method, water is forced through a specialized membrane. The membrane traps and removes contaminants, while at the same time allowing purified water to flow through.

As you can see, there are a number of effective water purification methods available. Whether you choose distillation, activated carbon filtering or reverse osmosis, by purifying your water before you drink it you can help protect your health and well-being.