The Menlo Park Project

The Menlo Park Laboratory is the birth place of modern innovation. It was set up by one of the biggest inventors and businessmen of contemporary society, Thomas Edison. It is considered the first institution set up with the specific purpose of producing constant technological innovation and improvement. As a matter of fact, It was there that Edison invented the first commercially practical incandescent light. Menlo Park was a place of contrasting ideas that instigated its contributors to go one step further on building knowledge.

In today's time, the process of generating ideas changed. The laboratories are much bigger and powerful and have a lot more ressources than the ones used by Edison to develop new products and services. However, innovation is not based solely on the amount spent on R&D or the size of the laboratory. A very important factor and probably the biggest part of the innovation equation is the brain. Therefore, independently of race, age or sex, anyone in the world with the right tools (or even without it) and perspiration can come up with ideas.

The first step of The Menlo Park Project is to act as a publisher, gathering new ideas and perspectives of the innovations of today. For that to be possible, we will encourage the readers and contributors to share ideas, thoughts and comments about their opinions, feelings and experiences. The intention and sole objective is to encourage everybody in the world to think open and differently by stimulating creativity, intuition and to view things with a contrasting perspective.

The Menlo Park Project is here to provide its readers with truly innovative ideas from anywhere in the globe.