S.C. Brooks

S.C. Brooks

At 22 most people would think a person should be in a placing where they are establishing where they are going to be the rest of their life. With a great education and an impressive degree, after a "life-changing" internship your senior year, you're offered a job paying less than what you want or expected but enough to pay your rent. Living in a studio, enjoying your ramen, 22 is the beginning of the rest of THIS life for you!

That just wasn't the life I wanted. I was almost bred as a hard worker wanting nothing handed to me. I acquired my first job at 10 years old and have not had a day off since. I opened my first business the same year. I knew that whatever I wanted to do I wanted to do it my way. I am what many consider a "Jack of all trades" from furniture to fashion, music and media to technical support and software development; I have done it all and have become a master in the skill. With this great history behind me I am looking to my next endeavor....

With a business plan in hand a dream I plan on transforming the world of fashion one Experience at a time....

-S.C. Brooks 2011