Tieja Thomas, Ph.D.

Ottawa, ON, Canada

Ph.D. (2015), Concordia University; Montreal, QC
M.A. (2010), University of Victoria; Victoria, BC
B.Mus. (2005), McGill University; Montreal, QC

Work Experience

Lecturer, Research Designs & Methods.(2014). Memorial University; St. John's, NL
Lecturer, Research Methods I.(2013-2014). Concordia University; Montreal, QC
Lecturer, Research Methods II. (2013-2014). Concordia University; Montreal, QC
Lecturer, Fundamental Methods of Inquiry.(2012-2013). Concordia University; Montreal, QC

Co-Principal Investigator, Development of curricula to combat and prevent hate speech leading to violence and violent extremism: Using social media to build resilience in Canadian youth. (2014-2016). Concordia University; Montreal, QC.

Research Assistant, Department of Applied Human Sciences.(2014-2015). Concordia University; Montreal, QC
Research Assistant, Department of Education.(2011-2012; 2014-2015). Concordia University; Montreal, QC
Research Assistant, School of Graduate Studies.(2012). Concordia University; Montreal, QC
Research Assistant, Faculty of Education. (2009-2010). University of Victoria; Victoria, BC
Research Assistant, Faculty of Graduate Studies. (2009-2010). University of Victoria; Victoria, BC

About Me
I completed my Ph.D. in Educational Studies at Concordia University. Through my work, I seek to disrupt, destabilize, decenter, and deconstruct what is known in order to then repose, reimagine, reinvent, and reconstruct what is possible. My research lies at the intersection of citizenship education and educational technology, which allows me to explore the relationship between technological evolution and socio-political, as well as cultural change. Specifically, my research program aims at uncovering how socio-political phenomena such as hate, violence, and oppression are manifested and negotiated in online environments.

Contact Me
[email protected]
[email protected]