tjxcanada opinionca

Web Developer, Designer, and Writer in Canada

TJX Canada conducts a customer feedback survey to know their customers level of satisfaction on their services. In return you can win $1000 cash prize by participating in the tjxcanada-opinion-ca survey.

TJX Canada Rules and Requirements

  • Participants must be eighteen years or above.
  • Purchase receipt must be required.
  • Smartphone, laptop, computer, or any other gadget with internet connection is must required.
  • Participant must know the language English or French.

How to participate in TJX Canada Survey?

  • Please visit the TJX Canada website at tjxcanada-opinion-ca
  • Select the language English or French.
  • Enter the survey code.
  • Answer the questions honestly.
  • Provide your details.
  • Submit the survey.

Now you are eligible to win TJX Canada survey prize.