Todd Evans

Shaker Heights OH

Todd Evans

Shaker Heights OH

Understanding the live music interests of fans - before they click "Buy Tickets" ...

Todd is the Founder and CEO of GETn2it, a Live Music Digital Marketing and Fan Analytic SaaS.

I am an Entrepreneur, Socially Engaged, Musically Inquisitive, Left-handed, Embraces Ambiguity of New & Change, Intrepid Live Music Evangelist, Lover of Music Fesitvals, Just Say Yes! And when you are in Cleveland, Ohio ... check out shows at these local venues ... The Grog Shop and The Beachland Ballroom.

Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure... than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat. (Theodore Roosevelt) - go start something, shake up the status quo, be passionate and make a difference.