Toma Rusk

digital marketing in Miami, Florida

Toma Rusk

digital marketing in Miami, Florida

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Daughter, NCAA football addict, sister, reality TV junkie, aunt, grammar elitist, Parrothead, fearfully, wonderfully made, unashamed to love country music and saved by grace.

I believe that pets are God's way of saying "Don't lower the bar just because you're single."

It's no secret; I'm really, really ridiculously good-looking ;o)

Upon meeting you, I'll immediately notice if you're left-handed and tell you, right away, "Nobody GETS IT like us [southpaws]."

I spent 16 years living around the world working for Uncle Sam. Adventure of a lifetime where I learned that you should NEVER, EVER have a bucket list. Get out there and DO IT! By the time you get around to GETTING to the list...well, you know the rest. DON'T WAIT!

  • Work
    • DXagency
  • Education
    • University of Miami
    • Pennsylvania State University
    • Cornell University