Tracy Thrower Conyers

Tracy Thrower Conyers, attorney, creator of the Attorney 2.Oh! System and author of Attorney 2.Oh! Shaping, Growing & Maintaining Professional Reputations In The Digital Age, is on a mission to show lawyers that huge opportunities await on the web to exponentially shape and grow their reputation and "fan" base.

Fans for a lawyer? It's not that crazy. These are people who will sing your praises and "spread the word" digitally and exponentially about your expertise because they have come to know and trust you through your digital footprint and online relationships.

Taking a practical approach to balancing the competing interests and benefits of search engines and the social web, Tracy's approach is carefully designed to give busy attorneys the biggest bang for their time, energy and financial "buck" in growing their digital reputations.

Tracy uses her unique experience to create a strategy that is neither sales-y nor gimmicky. Her strategy is especially designed for busy attorneys with discerning clients, and a desire to grow their sophisticated client base.