Esponja de Umbiloselenópolis

I don't know what to say about me. And I don't know why I'm writting my bio in English... But wait! I can say something interesting. 'Mexico' is a Nahuatl word, and nobody is certain about its etimology. However, there is an hypothesis. It's meaning can come from three nahuatl words: 'Meztli' (moon), 'Xitl' (navel or belly button) and 'co' (place). In XVI century a mexican philosopher (or novohispanic... you know: this country was called "Nueva España" New Spain) said about him that he came from "Umbiloselenópolis", that in Latin/Greek means something like "the city of Moon's navel". For I was born here, in Mexico City, then I'm umbiloselenopolita too.