Vanessa Lynch/Zorlu


Vanessa Lynch/Zorlu


Vanessa Whitney Lynch/Zorlu is an afro-caribbean community organizer and journalist. In 2011 she started the site PeaceWalks in an attempt to document the international non-violent nuclear disarmament movement. In 2012 she co-founded Orange Ink an organization that uses art and social media to share stories of the evolving peace, justice, and arts movements around the world. She co - founded the Western Massachusetts chapter of Black Lives Matter in October of 2014 after answering the call from activists on the ground for a national call to action called, "Ferguson October". She is part of the TRGGR Media Collective, a revolutionary black leftist hip hop collective dedicated to dismantling the prison industrial complex and sharing real stories from real people. She is currently preparing for Return of the Matriarchs, a project on diaspora, decolonization, family and revolution.

Served as Vice President of the Board, Arise for Social Justice
Co-founded Black Lives Matter413


Orange Ink, an education & art collaboration
2/14 - 4/5, Walk for the People, Walk for the Earth
A 50 day walk to DC for disarmanent, sustainability, and a nuclear free future

9/29, Walk for a New Spring 2012: Remember Fukushima & Hiroshima Nagasaki Walk: Ending the Whole Nuclear Chain Presentation at New England Peace Pagoda 27th Anniversary

#N17, Occupy Boston (photos)

CHOGM Protest (photos)

Save Malaysia, Stop Lynas! (photos)

8/21 - 10/30 Walk Away From Uranium Mining Towards Aboriginal Sovereignty

Students Speak Out: Space Weapons Technology Impacts on Social Progress
19th Annual Space Organizing Conference, The Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space
Raytheon, Missile Offense & Endless War

May 22, Vesak, Buddha’s Birthday/Flower Festival

2/13 - 2/28, Walk for a New Spring: End War, Build Community, Peace

Maine Walk for Peace, Human Needs & Veterans Care November

Engaging Youth in Food Justice and Community Building Community Food Security Coalition 14th Annual Conference

Non-violence training, The War Resisters League, NYC

Walk for a Nuclear Free Future, 3/20 - 5/1

“Have We Achieved the Dream?”

  • Work
    • Art