Vanessa Leong

Trusted Advisor, Impact Designer, and Organization Builder in New York

Vanessa Leong

Trusted Advisor, Impact Designer, and Organization Builder in New York

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For more than 15 years, I have helped C-suite, government, and non-profit leaders navigate through times of transition, working with them to build the right culture and organizational structures to deliver on their business strategy. I design change management programs that bring order to the chaos of transformation.

MY VISION is to create and enable new programs and projects that bring humanity, connection, and purpose into all aspects of work and society.

MY APPROACH is to ask the right questions and listen to a wide array of voices. I challenge long-held assumptions to create imaginative breakthroughs and believe in storytelling as a vehicle for increasing understanding and empathy. I am a builder of teams and people to get things done.

Outside of client work, I serve on the boards for Many Hopes, which builds homes and schools in Kenya, and Two Tunics, a family foundation dedicated to faith-based and social justice initiatives. I'm passionate about healthcare, education, and diversity & equity issues.

Much of my spare time is spent learning about wine and hosting pop-up events to teach others about "bottled poetry."

  • Work
    • Deloitte Consulting
  • Education
    • George Washington University, School of Business
    • The George Washington University, Elliott School
    • Ithaca College