Mouridsen McIntyre

The Dragon has played an important part in fables and beliefs since pre-historic times. The history of dragons dates back at least six thousand years, and you will find monster stories and legends out of every continent except Antarctica. In virtually every culture, and all throughout history, you'll find stories of the magical and mythic creatures called dragons. Different individuals have various theories of why so many countries developed such a long-lasting belief in dragons; however, none can in fact be proven. Many think that dragons were what we now call dinausaurs. It could be that dragon reports partly grew out of people finding dinosaur bones. The thought is that whenever dragon bones were made up later, they were given the newest classification of dinosaur. Several evolutionists think that dinosaurs became extinct an incredible number of years before man walked our planet, while others states dispute this. It's stated that dinosaur fossils, which were identified alongside human footprints and stays, add proof to the ancient people's history of dragons. Others feel that people forgot that dragons were ever true, and quickly passed into mythology. In all throughout history and almost every culture you will find stories of the wonderful creatures called dragons. Later, in Europe these dragons in art-forms were thought to be real-life animals as opposed to symbols of evil. During many countries, dragons might have appeared different, however they have always kept exactly the same basic core elements. When a lot of people think of dragons they often think of fire-breathing things, but actually dragons were usually associated with water. We discovered webaddress by browsing Google. To the ancient Chinese, dragons were not creatures of fire, as so many would think, but instead creatures of water. The monster of the Chinese existed in waters, wetlands, pools and rose in great clouds of water to advertise rain. In ear-lier Mideast stories, the dragons 're normally associated with water and wisdom. Historians use this conection with water-to distinguish dragons from other mythical animals. Western dragons are viewed differently, as the east feels that the monster is just a divine, mythical animal that brings chance, wealth and bounty. They fling their huge tails about, and they're connected to the element fire, and viciously create destruction. The contrary views of the east and the west su