jennifer weatherly

First off let me start off by saying i am a wife(well i was and still married our divorce process maybe longer then our marriage)& mom of three very very different(and this is putting it lightly) personalities all wrapped in gods wonderful little treasures called children. 2 girls (olivia 5 & samantha 13 ), and a boy (Anthony 10). Sum days i have it really together (ok probably never) and other days im a complete hot mess . feeling like i walked outa a train wreck but as long as i have my lipstick on i think its all good.i have alot of dreams and desires. i tend to start projects and not finish them( who knows this blog maybe one of them) ii rather live a life in peace and harmony but as a true new yorker we all know that world cease to exist. Just looking for tranquility yes i know im a single mom of 3 there is no tranquility (unless i can dig in that bottle of wine) i can be ur bestest friend or your biggest enemy. There nothing i wouldnt do for my children and those that really trully love me and my children whether that is family or not. I have passion in everything that i do (YES EVERYTHING!) im a work in progress i dont know where i want to go in the next stage in my life nor will it take me. it has already taken me to places i do not wana be in anymore(unless your promising me money) .so im choosing not to stay in those places amymore. where to next is the question. (Seee i start off totally together and now back to that wtf undececive self) i been a SAHM for awhile and i luv it but that may need to change....because my kids needs change everyday (ipods,cell phones,netflix,mall trips game stop trips,etc why are kids sooo needy?) And their needs come before mine(yes i forced myself to lose weight just to fit in my old clothes because my other crotchless jeans were not origionally purchased that way) so im not a selfish person. Just finally want that rainbow and pot of gold my mother used to read me fairytale stories about(yes i believe cinderella purposely left her glass slipper so the rich prince can find her..pregnancy entrapment is only for the week minded)..the life everyone envisions like john mellencamp states "lil pink houses for you and me" (can u tell me were to find the pink houses lije seriously?)