Wendy S. Kunash

Life Coach, Realtor, and Visionary Entrepreneur in Cleveland, Ohio

Wendy S. Kunash

Life Coach, Realtor, and Visionary Entrepreneur in Cleveland, Ohio

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Wendy Kunash is a lifelong learner. From singing - and dancing - in her car, to rallying a room full of real estate professionals to devouring a book a week, Wendy does nothing part way. While some see her as driven, everyone sees her relentless passion and positivity; she makes most everything fun. Wendy combines energy and empathy in a very unique way.

Entrepreneur, single mother of two daughters, Kya age 20 & Katrina age 16. Her daughter's friends refer to Wendy as the spiritual gypsy beating to her own drum. Wendy is no stranger to adversity, struck with many unfortunate events over her lifetime & she has chosen to live a life ON purpose with a daily mantra "Nothing will knock me down & I CAN do anything I want to." She starts her days @4am hitting the gym for not only physical benefits & for mental clarity. She sells real estate full time with her top producing sales team, is a certified life coach, trainer, empowerment speaker, vice president of a nonprofit Jacob Rago Memorial Fund & mother to Griswold her rescued chihuahua.

A strong leader and critical thinker intimidated by nothing (except roller coasters), Wendy brings an unshakeable belief in human potential (hers and everyone's) to inform her teaching style. Born in Asia and raised in Northeast Ohio, she looks at our complex world as a global citizen, and endeavors to help everyone she encounters to find their place in it.

Visit any of her social media accounts to catch a glimpse of her doing what she does- being 100% transparent, real & raw to the core. Her love for giving and leaving people feeling empowered endlessly has led her to the life long goal of becoming a speaker, trainer, writer, and empowerment coach to all audiences. Operating from the heart she went as far as becoming a state of Ohio registered minister to be able to combine the highest love from two souls in marriage & union. With philanthropy held tight in her heart she aspires to one day create many foundations. She founded The Jacob Rago Memorial Fund with her sister after losing her young nephew to cancer. She believes her purpose is to GIVE. Recently named Humanitarian of the year. She has successfully created new career paths, assisted others to discover their true potential, empowered kids, teens and women to carry confidence as a smile and aiding businesses in creating the much needed culture that breeds success.

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    • CLEagents-Platinum Real Estate