Xav Dubois

Television Executive in Cambridge, Massachusetts

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Just a guy working to bring about a vision where the planet works for all people. CEO of evox Television Networks and Kenwood Solutions Group, Speaker, Author and fellow human working "it out" as I go along and doing what I can to improve the quality of life for everybody. I'm passionate and inspired by people overcoming challenges and taking themselves and their communities to the next level. I'm a student of life and have finally figured out that I have not figured it out and I love that. I'm empowered by inquiry and I am clear that there is no innate meaning to life and I am inspired by people who invent meaningful, fulfilling lives. I have the absolute BEST people around me. They keep me real and hold me to account. My core group of friends which includes my staff at evoxTelevision are some of the most loving, generous, consistent, powerful and humble people I have met in life thus far. I'm grateful that I have them to partner with in life. MUSIC is something that moves my heart and soul. I have amassed thousands and thousands of albums over the years and my iTunes library currently has over 75,000 tracks and is probably my most valuable digital asset. My partner, Sean works at our local hospital ensuring that everybody who needs medical help has access to it regardless of financial circumstances. I'm proud of him for using his life-force for the good of others. We live right outside of Yosemite and are blessed to be caretakers of 55 acres where we frequently host our communities that are all working towards a just, sustainable and spiritually fulfilling world for ALL. We have 5 dogs who roam the property to keep critters, coyotes, bears and a lot of turkeys from taking over our garden.

  • Work
    • evox Television Networks