Zack Popovsky

I was born in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, a long-standing center for the arts as well as a melting pot of Mexican and American cultures.

I grew up bilingual, which allowed me to move seamlessly between two cultures, traditions, and peoples.

My unique vision and constant hunger for knowledge led me to travel the world, leading me to France where I completed my last year of high school. I lived in Bretagne where I was once again faced with the opportunity to see how two cultures, Breton and French, intertwined to create something neither could alone. Bretagne is unique in this aspect: street signs are always in both Breton (a form of Gaelic) as well as French, the countryside is littered with menhirs (standing stones), an archaic tribute to pagan gods long-forgotten, as well as towering stone crosses, placed there hundreds of years ago by Christian Romans looking to usurp the old gods. Aside from the stimulating cultural experience, I was also fortunate enough to become fluent in French, a skill which has helped me in countless ways.

After France I moved to Los Angeles, California, where I enrolled in UCLA and began my career as a filmmaker/photographer. Over the next four years I worked as an on-set photographer for studios such as Food Network and MTV, among others. I also starred in the Discovery Channel show Norte a Sur, where along with four other uniquely multicultural individuals I traveled to ten different countries spanning the American continent, an experience I'll never forget.

Wherever I go I try and capture what I see, from the smoldering heat of the Sahara desert to the freezing winds of Ushuaia, Argentina, the southernmost city in the world.

I enjoy sharing my vision with others, as well as dialoguing about how others interpret the world around them.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, you give me a thousand words and I'll give you a picture.