Michael C Fischbach

Medicare Savings in Charleston, South Carolina

Michael C Fischbach

Medicare Savings in Charleston, South Carolina

Read my blog

I blog about Medicare & Retiree insurance. My research is based off of real Medicare beneficiaries and I try to give you, the consumer, insight into the insurance companies involved in your health care. My hope is to help folks become smarter consumers of Medicare Supplemental Insurance.
-Consumers can get rate adjustments up to 90 days in advance for your state.
-Rate games are being played in the each market/state and especially on consumer-facing websites that only show 1 company or brand name.

How do you, the beneficiary, become a smarter consumer on your Medicare journey?

The typical Medicare journey on avg ranges from 15 to 25+ years. In 2 or 3 short years of being on the same policy and plan, over 90% of beneficiaries on Medicare Supplement(Medigap) Plans overpay. Because these Medigap plans are secondary to Original Medicare(Part A&B), smart seniors want the benefit of having comprehensive coverage. However, only independent brokerages like Medicare Savings can show consumers market value rates to lower your premiums. Captive agents & brand name companies can only show their own rates for Medigap Plans. I post all my company rate research and insight on my blog and help advocate for beneficiaries 12 months out of the year.

Did you know you could shop your Medigap plan anytime of the year risk-free because of Medicare Guarantee Issue Rights.
There is a marketplace and lifetime service on these standardized Medicare Supplement Plans. Don't be fooled by the consumer-facing websites that lure you into ABOVE market rates. In many instances Medicare folks start anywhere from $40-$150+ ABOVE market value. Because Medigap Plans are accepted nationwide and have Medicare as the primary they provide a lot of value to Medicare consumers. Medicare standardized these plans back in 2010 but companies are allowed to market $30-$940+ Medicare Supplement Plan Premiums.

Look for yourself on my review of Medicare.gov here.

Medicare Savings has helped beneficiaries from coast to coast save $1000's in retirement dollars while keeping their Traditional Medicare benefits. Get Medicare Help Now with me and my team below.
-New to Medicare?
-Need a Rate Reduction of your Medigap Plan?
contact me today at Mike@ MedicareSavings.US or Chat with me on our website.
Learn more at Medicare Savings Blog

Thank you for looking into my small mustard seed of a family business.

Be blessed†,

Michael C. Fischbach
1-888-608-0654 Ext:100

  • Work
    • Owner/Operator
  • Education
    • University of South Carolina, 2003.