Study Group

Writer and Teacher in New York

There are a few rules for studying well:

1. Ask for help. Ask for help, from your parents, friends, tutors, Professional helpers from online services. For example, if you need to write Thesis Paper you can turn to Studybay online service.

2. Don't forget about the breaks. Just like a small child, our brain is not capable of being focused on something important for very long. If you sit on an important task for a long time and think that you are going to get results, you are wrong. You're more likely to get it if you take at least short five-minute breaks. Stand up, stretch, or even just walk from corner to corner. You might even do a few squats or push-ups. Get your blood flowing, look at something else, for instance, take in the view from the window.

By the way, if you forget to take the necessary breaks, download an app called timer or an app where you can plant a virtual forest while you study. Taking breaks will help you answer the question "How do I study well?", because you'll see results very soon.

3. Leave the highlighters alone. Why? Perhaps you have been looking for a long time for a way to learn well and do it more productively, namely to spend less time studying and get good results. Perhaps you use notes and highlighters to underline the most important points in a lesson or lecture. Leave that idea alone, because it doesn't work well. You know what would help you? Telling this lecture to others, asking questions or answering them yourself. It's also great if you write down your thoughts about the new information, and even more productive if you do exercises that help you put the knowledge you've learned into your head.

4. Decide whether you are a visual or auditory learner. If you want to know how to learn well, it's important for you to find out, because depending on your type, you can figure out how to get information more effectively. If you're a visual person and it's easier for you when you look at the illustrations and read the text, that way it's easier to learn and absorb information that way, but if you're an auditory person, it's better to record the lecture on a dictaphone and then listen to it. That way you can get the most out of your abilities.