Brad Knowles

DevOps Engineer, AWS Cloud Engineer, and Support Engineer in Austin, Texas

Hey, I’m Brad. I’m a Sr. Systems Engineer living in Austin, Texas. I am a fan of technology and innovation, machine learning, robotics, performance tuning, home automation, computer vision, 3D printing, CNC machining, blacksmithing, metalworking, woodworking, role-playing games, billiards and pool, coffee, and obviously also cats. You can contact me with a click on the button above.

Over the years, I have been an Analyst/Terminal Operator, System Administrator, Internet Mail Systems Administrator, Systems Architect, DevOps Engineer, Cloud Engineer, Systems Development Engineer, and many other things at large and small employers such as the Defense Information Systems Agency, America Online, Belgacom Skynet, UT Austin, ihiji, VMware, Whole Foods Market, and Amazon/AWS, among others.

I have also worked at a variety of consulting companies, including Collective Technologies, Snow BV, Advantis, MomentumSI, and Austin Fraser, with customers including Symantec, ASML, Apple Retail Software Engineering, AT&T, Raytheon GPS OCX, and others.

I have given a variety of invited talks over the years, including Sendmail Performance Tuning for Large Systems (SANE'98), Design and Implementation of Highly Scalable E-Mail Systems (LISA 2000), Scalable IMAP Services: Theory, Practice, and Non-Technical Issues (NLUUG Voorjaarsconferentie 2005: "E-mail and Beyond"), From Zero to Cloud in 90 Days with Chef (FLOSS UK 2012 Spring Conference).

I have given other talks, given training at, been on the conference board of, or otherwise assisted in the creation and presentation of other events like SANE'99, SANE 2000, BSDCon Europe 2002, LISA 2002, RIPE 44, UKUUG Winter Conference 2003, LISA 2007, FLOSS UK 2012 Spring Conference, DevOpsDaysAustin 2017-2023, and others.

I have been a technical reviewer of books like “Sendmail” (2nd edition) by Bryan Costales, "DNS & Bind" (2nd edition) by Cricket Liu, "Unix Backup and Recovery" by Curtis Preston, "Using SANs and NAS" also by Curtis Preston, and I have also been co-author of the SAGE Booklet "Internet Postmaster: Duties & Responsibilities" (ISBN-13: 978-1931971492, ASIN: 1931971498).

Since 2003, I have also been a volunteer supporting the NTP Public Service Project at and the Network Time Foundation at, as well as also helping to support the mail system and mailing lists for

My LinkedIn page is at

  • Education
    • University of Oklahoma at Norman, BSCS