Diogo Alves

After spending some time in a technology intensive business (as employee and after as owner), I decided to move on and start again in an area where the product of my work could be more concrete and close to everyday life.
Realized that exists a lot of things that can be done/created/invented with accessible technology.

For a moment was clear that building new products started to be only a matter of creativity, time and connecting people.
It was an insight about a kind of revolution that is happening right now, where customized objects/toys/products are coming from normal people/hacker spaces and not only from companies and universities labs.

As computer scientist and microelectronic engineer I worked with digital circuits, DFT and overall project development disciplines. Currently I am working in technological pillar of an interactivity design studio focused in museums and exhibitions. Building systems that combines programming (C++, Objective-C, Quartz Composer,...) with different kinds peripherals as Kinect, Arduinos, lights, fans, motors and some custom developed sensors.

Right now I am forcing myself to be awake and disciplined to carry out some of the ideas that go through my mind.