Elvis Pontes

São Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Elvis Pontes is a PhD researcher student at the LSITEC and at the Universidade de São Paulo (USP). During 2014 he worked as Invited Researcher Fellow, and as a Visiting Professor at the Université d'Avignon. During 2013 he investigated the "prediction of malicious activities in MANETs", at the Uni Aveiro, Portugal - doctoral internship supported by the Santander Fellowship, International Mobility program. In 2013 he was accepted by LASPAU/Harvard as a pre-selected grantee for having a double PhD certification at the USA. In 2015 he was accepted in the post doctoral program of the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).

He holds an MSc in Computer Engineering from IPT-USP, an MBA from the Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares IPEN-USP, a BSc in Computer Science from FITO (2001) and a Technological Degree from ITB

For the PhD program at USP he has modeled the prediction of cyber-attacks by the use of EWMA, Fibonacci Sequence, multi-correlation and polynomial regression. Positive results were presented in the following most relevant papers: (1) Applying multi-correlation for improving forecasting in cyber security; (2) Fibonacci sequence and EWMA for intrusion forecasting system; (3) IFS-Intrusion forecasting system based on collaborative architecture

Thanks the research aforementioned, the following remarkable academic awards were applied: (1) best paper and scholarship from the ICDIM’11 (Uni of Melbourne, Australia); (2) best paper and scholarship from the University of Michigan; (3) best paper from the I2TS’08 (#2 of 133); (4) merit scholarship from the Lakehead Uni, Canada. Some other awards he was granted with are: top student from ITB (#1 of 36 fellows); top student in the academic department for the MSc from IPT (#1 of 26 fellows); prize from the My-Fire contest- Future Internet Research and Experimentation, European Commission www.my-fire.eu/contest

Thanks the research previously referred, he was invited by Elsevier to be reviewer of the International Journal of Information Management. Furthermore, he was the editor in chief of a number of books for InTech, such as “Methodologies, Tools and New Developments for E-Learning”, and “E-Learning- Long-Distance and Lifelong Perspectives”

Full résumé: http://lattes.cnpq.br/9470051076396106

  • Work
    • Laboratório de Sistemas Integráveis (LSI-USP)
  • Education
    • Universidade de São Paulo
    • Universidade De Aveiro
    • Université D'Avignon Et Des Pays De Vaucluse