Greg Arnold

Small Business Owner, Public Speaker, and Consultant in Ocean Springs, Mississippi

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What I believe about God:

God is the alpha and omega who created this universe, this world, us – and called us not only good but very good. We are fearfully and wonderfully made in his image for His joy. God walked with us, came in human form to save us, and present in His Holy Spirit to guide us and draw us.

What I believe about faith:

Faith is a gift from God, is freely given, and cannot be earned. Our works are not currency used to buy faith but are the evidence of Him in us. We are given only two commands to complete – Love God, Love others sacrificially. And we have but one mission of our lives – to draw more students of Christ’s teachings through our own life and experience while experiencing this life as a gift from God.

What I believe about you:

Never give up a pursuit which originates in your core being, for that is where we find the courage and capacity to experience more than just status quo. Pursue all work with excellence, as best you can, as if working for Christ, not for others. Dare to be judged and never shun criticism, it builds stronger character and is a better reflector than our own opinions. Strive to please yourself first and set your standards high. Then work to serve others sacrificially.

What I believe about relationships:

“No man is an island.” We are designed to live in community, to serve one another, and care for those around us. All life has value and should be nurtured and celebrated. We are not designed to be controlled, manipulated, bullied, or enslaved by anyone perceiving themselves to be superior. When one human violates another human, consequences are expected and welcomed.

What I believe about Christianity and Organized religion:

God sent Himself to us to build up His people eternally. Jesus Christ never instructed us to build buildings or become enslaved to institutional religion. In fact, his ministry on earth was spent freeing us from the limits imposed on our faith by man. Worship is an act of devotion to God, an outpouring of holy gratitude for the grace freely given to each soul. The Church is you and me, coming together to glorify God. I applaud the efforts of the Church, and believe there is a place for organizing like minded people to facilitate worship and learning more about God and us.

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