Phillip Luebke

On the hunt for my next gig in Helena, Montana

Phillip Luebke

On the hunt for my next gig in Helena, Montana

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This bio is not as fun, interesting, or impressive-sounding as the circa-2015 bio it replaces, but I figured it was time to have something more current.

Phillip Luebke has over 25 years of experience in marketing, communications, operations management, entrepreneurship, and consulting. His winding career path has traversed such diverse industries as wireless telecommunications, craft brewing, environmental services, amateur sports, advertising, business consulting, and university advancement. Phillip has a BA in marketing from the University of Northern Iowa and an MBA from the Tippie College of Business at the University of Iowa. When Phillip's not working, volunteering, or spending time with his spouse, he enjoys swimming, mountain biking, kayaking, hiking, and listening to podcasts and audiobooks. Phillip currently lives outside of Helena, Montana but is hoping to get back to Bozeman, Montana soon.

  • Education
    • University of Northern Iowa
    • University of Iowa