Robert Livingston

Full Stack Web Developer in the United States

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Hi there, my name is Robert Livingston. I have a background in both business and web development. My skill-set is broad but always ever-growing, much like most things in life. I'm exceptionally driven, optimistic, and patient; Always reaching for something more.

What I enjoy most in life are the simple things like spending time with those I love and trying new things. I make the best of it, enjoying life to the fullest. Some would say I am creative, others intellectual. I'm just me, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

I believe we are all human beings first, holding no limits to what or who we can be. Life may be full of twists and turns but what will last a lifetime is what you leave behind. Greatness to me is not fame nor fortune, it is the intent, goal, purpose and determination that is put in to the world that leads to such success.


"Be humble yet not timid, you are what you express not who you impress"

"Never be too proud your position, both kings and pawns go back in the same box"

"Do what is good by your heart and soul. If you don't feel it, then it probably isn't good or meant to pursue"

"Do what you think you cannot, for it will keep you driven for a lifetime"

"The truth is, we are making a difference. Now it is up to you to believe it."

"We go out swinging because that's how legends are made"

"You will only have this day once... What will you leave behind?"

  • Work
    • Currently Looking!
  • Education
    • Sinclair Community College