Sheila Steffen

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I AM- an independent, award-winning journalist, an accomplished producer and writer specializing in storytelling and character-driven content for digital and broadcast media. Currently producing long and short form non-fiction stories with the goal of creating understanding and building connections for Starfish Media Group's content partners. I am most interested in finding new ways to tell and share stories, and I'm always looking to elevate the narrative to its most compelling form.

MY STYLE- is confident, open-minded and collaborative. I have a stellar work ethic and give 110% to every project. I’m driven by passion, imagination and the belief that everyone has a story with the potential to impact our world. I excel in high pressure environments-- and get the story done creatively, effectively, efficiently and accurately under tight deadlines.

MY EXPERIENCE- as a CNN senior producer for more than a decade, I've traveled and covered big breaking news events, delivered award-winning programming, including social-issues journalism on such topics as, Wage Wars, Hunger in America, and a series on the Foreclosure Crisis. I’ve produced and written investigative series, primetime specials, contributed to and show blogs. I’ve served as Executive Producer in CNN’s New York bureau leading production teams, overseeing news coverage and editorial content. I hold a B.A. in International Relations from U.C. Irvine, and began my career in Moscow where I worked with ABC News for 6 years, and contributed to the Nightline award-winning special, "Anatomy of a Revolution."