Taya M. Jarman, MS, APR
public relations, Public Speaker, and Director in Richmond, VA
Taya M. Jarman, MS, APR
public relations, Public Speaker, and Director in Richmond, VA
I’m Taya (rhymes with Himalaya). I’m an award-winning accredited public relations practitioner. I'm an ESTJ and Extroverted Thinker fueled by ice coffee, sweet tea, and creativity.
Here are some of my career highlights and experiences:
Podcast: Interview with Spencer Brooks of "Health Nonprofit Digital Marketing" https://lnkd.in/ed9QX5Ts
Article:Richmond Times Dispatch - Taya's Take
Award:Top 40 Under 40
- National: PRWeek https://www.prweek.com/article/1439848/40-40-2017-taya-jarman
- Local: Style Weekly https://www.styleweekly.com/taya-jarman-39/
Interviewee: “Setting Up a Team of One for Success in Media Outreach” https://www.prnewsonline.com/media-outreach-teams-of-one/
Presenter:Global Healthcare Communications Summit 2 https://www.thepworld.com/event/global-healthcare-communications-summit-2
Spokesperson: "To Give Young People a Shot, Authorities Ramp Up Influencer Efforts" https://www.prnewsonline.com/vaccine-young-people-influencers
I enjoy talking to young professionals - college or entry level. Send me a message on LinkedIn to schedule a chat.