Thomas Ermacora
Urbanist, Technologist, and Futurist in London, United Kingdom
Thomas Ermacora is a London based urbanist, technologist & design futurist developing resilient neighborhoods and advising cities on regeneration and post-industrial transition. @termacora #RecodedCity #makermile
Thomas Ermacora FRSA is a Danish-italian urbanist, futurist and technologist, author of Recoded City : Co-creating Urban futures for Routledge, founder of Clear Village regeneration agency, and the Limewharf / Machines Roomcultural innovation & Fablab complex in London. Advisor to numerous organisations and start-ups, he is a LEAD fellow at the Clinton Global Initiative, founding member of the Maker Mile and Fabcity initiative with the MIT Bits & Atoms Center, and advisor to the World Economic Forum ‘Shaping the Future of Urban Development and Services’ Initiative. @termacora