Tracey Hoy

Caerphilly Wales UK

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‘At the end there was a beginning and then the circle must return, for there would always be a beginning.’ Tracey Hoy

Descendant of the British Isles, I was born and raised in the beautiful, historic Hawkesbury region in Australia and later relocated to South Wales UK.

Rhuddlan book one in Conwy series first published by Authorhouse 2007 then as Ebook by Smashwords 2011. Conwy book two and Padráig book three now available in Ebook format. Other titles available; Black Irish – short story introduction to Conwy series, Lilláen and the Lake - a short Time Travel Romance, What Brainstem and Other Anecdotes, and Cadwy's Haircut – Children’s Fiction for younger readers illustrated by myself.

Currently working on new manuscript, Isobel’s Dream - Contemporary/Scottish Medieval Time-Travel Romance, and almost completed editing of Galen’s Child, book four of Conwy series available for purchase soon.

Come for a while and escape into the worlds I have created especially for you.

All titles by Tracey Hoy published by Smashwords available in Ebook Format from Barnes & Noble, Sony, Kobo, Amazon, Apple, Diesel, Scrollmotion and

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