Consultant, Director, and Coach in Lausanne, Suisse


I am Yan, a Swiss-born Asian who lives and works in Lausanne, Switzerland.

I am a communications and influence management specialist and a communications agency managing partner, a collaborative innovation geek, a self taught chef, an electronic music club co-owner, an expanded states of consciousness therapist and an executive and life coach in the making.


In our infobesity era, clarity of message, efficiency in execution and consistency of relays are the key success factors of any endeavor.

I help institutions, NGOs and High Profile Individuals understand and leverage (self) branding, marketing and communications with a focus on strategy, digital transformation and community engagement since 20+ years.

I am currently co-director, partner and senior communications consultant at ftc communication. I also lecture communications management at various Swiss universities.


Self-awareness, knowledge of how you operate and building on existing strengths support sustainable change.

Encouraging progress is my specialty. My coaching approach is based on what you have within you, enabling you to find your inner peace (again), connect with your life force and move forward serenely.


I have been exploring expanded states of consciousness since 25+ years. I support people exploring and processing those states, which can be induced by practices such as breathwork, hypnosis, fasting, meditation, kundalini awakening, shamanic practices, entheogens, psychedelic drugs, to name a few.

I believe in a culture of integration that uses the above stated experiences as tools for personal and societal development.

In particular, I can help guide and accompany you in the field of psychedelic and entheogenic experienced, in traditional or clinical settings, in Switzerland and abroad.


Music is vibration. Vibration is life.

Live and electronic music has always been a very important part of my life. I am co-owner of Ho Chi Minh City-based The Observatory - Vietnam's leading electronic music venue.


I know from experience that you are what you ingest.

During 6 years I ran a pop up restaurant specializing in pan Asian contemporary cuisine. Nowadays I occasionally act as cooking workshop trainer and wellness retreat chef.

Do not hesitate to connect!

  • Work
    • ftc communication | freelance
  • Education
    • HEC Lausanne
    • IESE Barcelona
    • ICEERS Academy