Eddie Cornejo

Smart Home Security Integrator in Lincoln, NE

Eddie Cornejo

Smart Home Security Integrator in Lincoln, NE

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Do you know what’s cool? Knowing exactly where your delivery guy left your package. Do you know what not cool? Finding your package 3 days later hiding somewhere.

Do you know what’s awesome? Letting your handyman come into your home at the push of a button from your phone. Do you know what’s not awesome? Continually dealing with that leaky faucet because your schedules don’t match.

At Simply Smart Homes we specialize in creating elegant and easy-to-use smart home security systems.

No hidden fees or long-term contracts. Just great customer service.

Simply Smart Homes. Our solution, your peace of mind.


Eddie is married to his dearest college friend Jaela.

Together they have two beautiful baby boys, and a 9-year-old pup named Danae.

Eddie enjoys good art, tech, and geeky stuff, and connecting with old
and new friends.

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