Raymond Buckland

Digital Engineer in Thatcham, United Kingdom

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From early childhood I have always been fascinated and curious about science, technology and engineering.

At college I studied electronic engineering and spent most of my working career learning and supporting the leading edge computing technologies at IBM.

After I retired from IBM in 2016, I became a registered STEM Ambassador (stem.org.uk/stem-ambassadors), volunteering at local schools to help students enjoy technical subjects and to inspire them to consider career opportunities in the STEM fields.

I volunteer with The Institution for Engineering and Technology (theiet.org) as a judge and referee for the First Lego League robotics competition for 11-16 year old students at UK regional and national levels.

I also volunteer with the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) judging Lego ‘Mars Rovers’ built by 11 year old students.

I keep myself current on the latest scientific and technical news.

I enjoy building electronic projects at home, based on Lego Spike Prime, Microbit, Arduino, and Raspberry Pi platforms.

I'm also a keen amateur photographer and Chairman of the Thatcham Photographic Club (thatchamphotoclub.com).