john candy

To a lot of people SEO and web marketing is a big mystery. They’ve got very little idea of what goes on behind the scenes and why their website isn’t being found by their target audience. This article is here to tell you how Web Marketing Experts reviews you website and decides how to get more traffic to it.

The first step to understanding SEO is to understand how the Google search engine works. Now, we’re not going to explain the whole of Google here (there’s truly only one or two people in the world who can do that), but we can give you a crash course in why some sites rank on page one and others don’t.

Google has a very complicated algorithm which assesses your website to see how relevant it is to certain keywords and how many genuine websites are linking back to your website. If you’re relevant and connected, you’ll be moved up the rankings. This algorithm is being constantly applied to websites – it takes Google’s massive servers about three to four weeks to circulate through the entire internet, which is why you page may not move for a while and then make a bit of a jump. reviews