Adam Abbas

Chicago, Illinois, United States

Adam Abbas has served as a financial analyst and portfolio manager in Chicago for nearly a decade. He began his career at Lightpoint Capital, LLC, where as a junior analyst he evaluated loans as part of the firm’s collateralized loan obligation (CLO) investments. Subsequently conducting long credit research at Lehman Brothers, Adam Abbas also surveyed the technology and telecommunication sectors for the Leveraged Loan and High Yield Group at Neuberger Berman.

Before initiating his career, the longtime Chicagoan completed the Northwestern University cooperative engineering program, for which he fulfilled three internship rotations in a variety of industries. Furthering his education, he later returned to school at the University of Chicago, where he earned master of business administration in finance.

In his leisure time, Adam Abbas pursues a number of interests, such as competing in recreational volleyball leagues and learning about architectural design. He also enjoys traveling and has visited France, Spain, and Turkey, among other locations.

  • Work
    • Neuberger Berman
  • Education
    • University of Chicago