Anastasia-deborah de Souza

Anastasia-deborah de Souza

Just be love..

The Secret is Love..

I'm here for the love-seriously. Everything I am and all I do is wrapped in love, which is my soul's purpose and passion, and my undying privilege.

I absolutely love it ! being a creative visual person, I care deeply about people. A woman with a designer's eyes with words and images. A mother's heart who cares deeply.

A reader's love of words, I am a global citizen in humanity and in Business. I enjoy art, theater, photography, music, .


Financial Education & Business Development Passionate about the important of exchanging fiat paper currency for Gold & Silver and save it.

Committed to:

Help individuals and families increase income, reduce fixed expenses, and pay the legal minimum in taxes.

Help people develop new streams of income.

Help people conserve and multiply capital and income producing assets.