Anindya Sundar Das

CEO in Gurgaon, India

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What defines me? An endless quest to create impact, challenge status quo, transform lives and move on - that's what I've been doing in diverse geographies, diverse industries, diverse functions and diverse roles. Be it in McKinsey & Company or CK Birla Group or in my current role as the head of fans business.

That has held me in good stead in the wet and dark underground mines in Africa, seemingly unstable high rises of South East Asia, pretty avenues of Europe or the crowded, hot and sultry markets of India.

Known for working unearthly hours and being intuitive and thorough at the same time, I do find time to dabble with a little bit of music and, though less often, penning down some satires. And when the routine turns to boring, I try to amaze myself with the wonders of the universe or the miracles of the human body.

In the end, I want to be able to lead the masses and make a lasting impression on the world. To do something that the world will remember.

  • Work
    • Business Head, Orient Fans
  • Education
    • B.E., MBA