Anné Phillips

Photographer, Designer, and Director in Tampa, Florida

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Hello, I'm a Florida based Fashion, Lifestyle and Personal Branding photographer. All of my photo sessions are always carefully planned prior a session day, yet I tend to surprise my client or myself with some spontaneous ideas that may arise during the times of a shoot with some unexpected exceeding results.

MEMBER of PPA (Professional Photographers Association)

CLIENTS/AFFILIATIONS: Creative Director and Lead Photographer of Anne' Phillips Photography | CEA Marketing | Glam Volution | White Book Agency | House and Lead Photographer of Tampa Bay Fashion Week 2009-2019 | Fashion Night Out Tampa Bay 2011-2019 | Mercedes Benz Fashion Week (Miami/New York) | International Plaza and Bay Street | Coach | Macy's | Westfield | Dillards | Fashion Wirepress | Carribean Fashion Week | Fashion Runway Photos | Fashion Hope | Co-Founder of FashionTeamLA | Bella Moda | Diamonds Direct | Bacchus Charity | Nova 535 | Wells Fargo | Working Woman of Tampa Bay | Hot and Healthy Moms | Pepcom | Fox News 13 | Studio 10 | NBC | Fashion TV (Bosnia) |500+ instudio

PUBLISHED WORK: Tampa Bay Parenting Magazine; International Plaza and Bay Street; WWD - Women's Wear Daily; Examiner; The Tampa Tribune; St.Petersburg Times; Phassion Magazine; Hot and Healthy Mom; Downtown St.Petersburg Guide and Map; Crave; Creative Loafing; Jooksja (Runners Magazine); Yoga; Statement Clothing; Fashion Frenzy Magazine

SEEN IN: Briana Anderson ; The Business Journals ; EstrellaFashionReport ; Tampa Bay Times ; FashionWeekTampaBayBlog ; Examiner ; EugeniaWoods ; ; Fashion Business Accelerator 360 ; ; ; Remarqed ; Thriving With Passion ; cltampa ;

Contact now for more information.

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    • Anné Phillips Photography