Mark Peters

Life Coach, Writer, and Psychologist in Birmingham, United Kingdom

Mark Peters

Life Coach, Writer, and Psychologist in Birmingham, United Kingdom

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Mark’s background is in manufacturing where he started as a design engineering apprentice working through to Operations Director. His involvement in lean manufacturing, 5S, JIT, change management etc first sparked his interest in Coaching and NLP for management of Change; he now often refers to NLP as ‘Lean Mind Management’ and sees coaching as the key tool to develop personal resilience and shared vision in his staff.

Mark is a fully accredited trainer of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), Coaching and Hypnosis with Society of NLP (SNLP), GHSC and CNHC. In addition to this he runs a private practice in South Birmingham seeing clients 1-2-1 for Coaching and Therapy.

He runs on-site courses in NLP, coaching and business development as well as open courses in Birmingham.

  • Work
    • Balanced Approach Training
  • Education
    • Harborne Hill School
    • Coventry University
    • Matthew Boulton