Bonita Lewis Bell

Attorney in McLean, Virginia

Bonita Lewis Bell

Attorney in McLean, Virginia

Read my blog

Hello, I am Bonita Lewis Bell.

I am an entrepreneur attorney. By that, I mean that I use the law as a tool to achieve business objectives.

I write a blog addressing various legal topics as a way to summarize dense topics into usable knowledge (helps reader) and to keep myself updated on what is going on in areas of the law that I might not deal with in my daily practice (helps me).

When I’m not working, you can find me trying to resuscitate my rusty piano and Spanish skills. I also workout regularly because I think a strong body contributes to confidence.

Looking for some "interesting" legal reading (possibly an oxymoron). Check out my blog:

  • Education
    • George Washington University Law School
    • University of Maryland, College Park