Brad Hewitt
Hey there and thank you for finding me just to read What would I do if we just met, no appointment, no hand shake, I'd smile and say "nice to meet you". Too many times we overlook the most basic of human interaction that bridges that awkward silence we call the "ice breaker".
I enjoy my work, it brings me satisfaction....a lot of it. If we met because of then the cloud is a friendly place indeed. My work during the day is amazing, crazy, not the usual punch in and burn away the day type of work. I assist many, many people of all kinds, creeds and races. That work I do allows professionals and their client's time to run smoothly and believe me that is important to me as I get a lot of appreciation for it too. After I'm finished with my day job I run three businesses; Avid Computing and Consultations, I distribute ViSalus products and Organo Gold Coffee Products. All of these businesses have one thing in common, make the customer happy.
The fun stuff.
To name a few I love my Kung-Fu class as it's been 7 years in the making now and my brown belt is just starting to be formed in my mind. In the master's absence I mentor and lead the group twice a week, lots of satisfaction from these men and women!!! My work also allows me to travel and this past summer I flew to Colombia, Bogota to visit a friend and her family; it was such a rewarding experience I highly suggest it. Next summer I intend on going to Cuba to roam the island for 3 weeks as I continue my Spanish lessons!!! Camping, scuba diving, theatre / arts, wine, parties, dressing up in bizarre costumes just for starters is something I really enjoy to do as well. That's it for now as life always provides those eyebrow raising and enrichening experiences.