Candy Rojas

Social Media Marketing Tips for Long Term Success

Social media marketing is not a short term tactic but then what is a guaranteed, short term quick fix to increase your sales? So many social media ‘experts’ give the view that all you have to do is to tweet and blog and suddenly you will be a mega brand with more sales than you know what to do with….if only that was true! Social media marketing is like all other business activities; it needs focus, time and sustained effort. buy 50 instagram likes Instagram is the most popular social media photo sharing platform. You can share your photos free of charge and allow people from all over the world to see your photos. The reason being that business is about human relationships and with all successful relationships people need to get to know each other, trust each other before committing. The problem with social media marketing is that many brands look at what they need to do today to create the sale tomorrow.We live in world that demands success now. We live in a world where businesses and consumers alike want what they want NOW. Build awareness by being a consistent presence. Create affinity by showing understanding of their potential customer’s needs and desires. Marketing experts realize that measurement is critical to success, and social media is no exception. Yet many social media marketers fall short when it comes to quantifying results. A recent survey published by Social Media Examiner revealed that just 68 percent of marketers even bother analyzing their social media activities. Another survey from EXHIBTOR magazine reported that just 30 percent of exhibit marketing professionals establish any measurable goals before launching social media campaigns. Develop trust through valuing the reader, listener or viewer.Give generously. Give reasons not offers. Give information not sales speak. Give personality not spin. Social media marketers should take a similar view and track the incidences of engagement on networks, such as likes, comments and replies.

Know your target audience

Social media advertising gives you access to just about every type of person you could think of wanting to reach. Instead of joining the most popular social media platforms, ask yourself where the type of people you want to reach are found. Is it Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, do your research to find out. Marketing experts say measuring social media marketing is like running a marathon. It requires extensive preparation and a long, strenu