Carlos gardel

Web Developer, Teacher, and Writer in usa

How to Join a Pear Deck Session with Code?

Welcome To JoinPD.comLogin guide. If you have no idea about Peardeck Join or Pear Deck Join Code then you have selected a perfect blog. Here in this article, we are going to give you instructions on Peardeck Login at

To join a Pear Deck session using a code:

  1. Go to in a web browser.
  2. Enter the JoinPD code provided by the presenter into the "Enter Session Code" field.
  3. Click the "Join Session" button.
  4. If prompted, log in with a Google account.
  5. Wait for the presenter to start the session and follow their instructions.

Note: The code is unique to each Pear Deck session, so make sure you have the correct code before attempting to join.