Christopher S. Dixon
Christopher S. Dixon
Hi This is me, I'm a writer/editor/author, 10 books out currently=Shadow/Fly on theWall/Dead And Buried/Talk of the Devil/Still Life-horror/mystery. The Making of Melissa/Shoe Horny-erotic.Micro Musings/Micro Erotica-micro-poetry. Walter worm finds a friend-children's story.
Samples from some of my books & reader comments!
Shadow- ' David hasn't been the same man since his accident, what is he afraid of?' "Fantastic, I read it in one sitting!' 'Dark and engrossing, comparable to Poe!'
The Making of Melissa- Melissa has hidden needs, a man, a woman, or both? 'Hot under the collar? That's putting it mildly, body and mind in overdrive!'
Micro Musings-#Poetry She came on the gossamer wings of a dream. We met. We. kissed, we....
'I defy anyone not to enjoy this book!'
Fl y on the Wall ' He had not ventured to open his eyes, but tried now. Blackness..'...All my books available here & #FREE on kindleunlimited #KDP
English born, after living & working in Swansea, South Wales , my wife & I returned to live & work in Bangkok in March 2015. I've been a writer/editor for 32+ years including ten years as a radio sports presenter/reporter/editor for the BBC. My writing portfolio is wide & includes sport/business/education/lifestyle/travel/reviews/columns/property etc!
I've lived & worked in six countries-England/Taiwan/Czech Republic/Thailand/Greece/Wales
Previous jobs-professional actor/HR manager/Youth Counsellor/salesman, retail & market research.
I'm also a qualified teacher with over 20 years experience. I currently teach full time at a language school. I've taught Drama/English Lang/Lit/History/Media/Communications/Business
I'm a left handed Gemini interests- writing/cricket/movies/swimming/music & social networking
Follow me on Twitter @CrickChris