Cognoa Business

Palo Alto, California, United States

Cognoa Business

Palo Alto, California, United States

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Cognoa's app provides a child development assessment based upon a machine learning algorithm developed by Stanford Medical School professor Dennis Wall, PhD. The consumer healthcare company behind the application was formed in 2013 and is led by a team experienced in academic research, child behavior and development, autism, and mobile health and diagnostic platforms.

Cognoa's screening is based on how parents and caregivers answer a series of questions concerning their child’s social interactions, imaginative play, and communication habits. The evaluation also takes into account the child’s date of birth and sex. Based on the information provided, Cognoa provides results that indicate the child's level of risk for developmental delay. Children can also receive free video evaluations that include a more detailed report on the child's communication, social interaction, and play.

Two new features were added to the Cognoa application in 2015: (1) a networking tool to connect parents to others who have the same developmental goals for their children and (2) an activities service that provides families with weekly suggestions for simple, at-home activities to improve the child's development.