New London,NC

I wanted to know if Ingreso Cybernetico was a good business model with good products. As a lot of them are digital. Which in this day and age is not a problem. Who wants a box after box of products coming to there house if there not selling or using them.

Ingreso Cybernetico is Colombian based. Its a 4 year old company and It has 3 company directors, 1 from India, 1 from Colombia and the last one from the USA.

The Company Owners

Juan Carlos Olaya is the President co Founder.

Jatin Patel is the co Founder CIO Programming

Dwayne Golden is the CEO co Founder

Ingreso Cybernetico has 6 levels of entry.. Starting at $50 then the levels go as this.. So you can gauge what you get from the products below: $50 – $100 – $300 – $500 – $1500 – $3500

The Products:

Like I say.. All the products are very good.. But a lot are for what all or most home business owners need.. I have created a list below:

Digital Products which as a basic member there are 2 – 26 as a top level member.

Prospecting System same as above 2-26 products.

Turn Key Business System 2 – 26 products

Sales Letters 2 – 26 products

Landing Pages 2 – 26 products

My Summary


1. You get paid over and over again for a 1 time purchase

2. Products are digital and are very useful products

3.There are too many products and services to list here

4. We have full support on FB with a Marketing Strategy in place

5. A business in a box with payment processors in place

6. Paid weekly worldwide

7. 2 yr old company so its gone thru the “startup period”

8. A totally global business with no barriers


1. Does not pay to Paypal.. I know most people like Paypal Paypal does not like I-Net biz

2. Thats all the “cons” I could find

Please click below for more info on Ingreso Cybernetico
Ready To Get Started Today??

Chris Hinson Sr

  • Work
    • Self Employed
  • Education
    • Skool of Hard Knocks
    • Andrew Jackson HS