Writer, enlighten-lost-souls, and sacudirse-phenotypes in Antarctica


Writer, enlighten-lost-souls, and sacudirse-phenotypes in Antarctica

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The very first sentence that a being uses to describe oneself represents their individuality. People trick us through their verses with a pseudo impression of being unique. They ramble on that thought with the help of their credentials, making us believe that their leadership might rectify our shortcomings.

Here comes the reality check, It is all an illusion!!

There is no dissimilarity among us, it is all in our head!

You would think to yourself, why is he describing this section as if it is a book?

"Biography" section enables a reader to make a connection with the author rather than the content, right?

You should realize that this author has been instilled with anonymity inside out.

When you break all the known phenotypes, there is a realization which is much more sweeter than any materialistic entity that exists in this realm.

This obscurity is intoxicating which you will realize in due time.

My book doesn't ( We don't ) represent just a new age but rather a procurement of perception that will sacudirse the dogmatism within for eternity.

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