Dames Playing Games
If you're here, then we're going to assume you're cool enough to know our two top secret objectives. We want to encourage more female gamers and we want to have a boat load of fun doing it. But our quest for an influx in female gaming is not purely selfless or charitable. What we really want is more video games that appeal to women. Men have more than their fare share of guy-centric games. And that is great! Videogames are fictional worlds, so why shouldn't we create the ultimate playgrounds for ourselves. We even like playing in the guy-centric worlds, but sometimes as a girl gamer, you want to ride on a unicorn or walk into a male strip club a la Grand Theft Auto. A larger market of female gamers means that developers could produce and profit from girly games. What it all boils down to is that we want Magic Mike the videogame and we want it now!