Debbie Hillman

D. Hillman Strategies: Food Policy for Voters

Adult Action-Learning

D. Hillman Strategies: Food Policy for Voters helps U.S .adults reclaim their adult joy and effectiveness as caretakers and providers. We facilitate individual learning through group action around a basic need -- food.

Learning about Complete Food and Farm Systems

Working together to become effective Food Citizens


LEARNING: Food Systems 101 Workshop

"Being a Food Citizen"

"Complete Food and Farm Systems"

DOING: Local food and farm system groups

Organize a new group

Work with an existing group to become more effective

Project identification, planning and implementation

Policy identification, promoting, and implementation

Develop strategic partnerships

Workplan and timeline preparation

Information collection, packaging, and sharing

SCALING-UP: Local, regional, state, and national networks

Facilitate coalition building on any level

Facilitate communications between geographic and governmental levels

Coordinate projects with other groups

Co-founder: Evanston Food Council (2005)

Co-founder: The Talking Farm (2006)

Co-author: Illinois Food, Farms, and Jobs Acts (2007 and 2009)

Photo: Jerry Bradley