Denice D. Lewis
Artist, Photographer, and Actor in Los Angeles, California
Denice D. Lewis
Artist, Photographer, and Actor in Los Angeles, California
What does a former super model do when a series of debilitating diseases come knocking from out of nowhere and derail her?
Being extremely intuitive with a lifetime of spirituality and a definite attitude, she re-discovers her artistic inner/outer self, a family trait going back several generations.
So picking up the brush once again, Denice found there comes a magic time when in a moment's inspiration she connects with the essence of her subject and the canvas captures the image on its own.
As the canvases begin to accumulate, Denice does a painting to celebrate a friend's mother's life. Where this gets intriguing is that the friend's mom has recently passed on and somehow the idea of mixing her ashes with the paint makes perfect sense.
This is the genesis of Denice's ongoing "Tribute" Series of paintings. While some may view the concept as slightly macabre, the truth is that those who have commissioned Denice's tribute paintings of their loved ones have all categorically felt them deeply and have a great appreciation for them.
The paintings have proved to be a healing experience for the family and survivors; and amazingly, the longer one looks at their painting, the more hidden images that appear. It would be spooky were it not so beautiful. But then that's what Denice is all about! Oh.... and lot's of laughter too!!!!