Diamond Davis
Diamond Davis
My Name Diamond Davis. Yes, Diamond is my REAL Name. I am a student at Florida A&M; Univeristy, majoring in Broadcast Journlism. One day I am going to working on a news or radio station. That is one of my biggest goals. Make sure you look out for me! I am also a Christian Poet as well as a motivational speaker. I have done alot of speaking engagment back in my hometown Fort Myers, Florida. Poetry is agift that I am blessed to have and dont mind sharing with others about. Another gift I have been blessed with at such a young age would be Crocheting. Crocheting is with yarn and one needle. I also selling my products too! i can make hat, scarfs and baby blankets. My motto for this would have to be "The best things in life are made by hands". If you would like to contact me at any ways please dont be afriad to.