Dr. Karim Lalani


Dr. Karim Lalani has always been committed to excellence for his staff patients. He stress delivery of quality treatments to his team and ensure that they all strive to serve our patients to their best abilities. Team’s goals are to ensure that they communicate well with their patients, empower them to make decisions that are right for them, and gain their trust to ensure an excellent long-term relationship and lots of smiles.

Dr.Karim Lalani graduated from the University of British Columbia in 1993 where he received a Doctor of Dental Medicine degree. Then he completed a General Practice Residency at the Jewish General Hospital, which is affiliated with McGill University in Montreal.

Doctor of Dental Medicine — University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC

GPR — McGill University, Jewish General Hospital, Montreal, QC

Masters Program in Implantology and Advance Bone Grafting — Pacific Implant Institute, Vancouver, BC

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    • Dentist